Bibliografie suplimentara

Isaac Asimov, "Understanding Physics", volumul 1 si volumul 2.

Jearl Walker, "Circus of Physics", John Wiley & Sons.

Frederic Borel, "Comprendre la physique", disponibila gratuit aici.

Steven Holzner, "Physics For Dummies", Wiley Publishing.

I. E. Irodov, "Problems in general physics", Mir Publisher Moscow.

Isaac Asimov, "How we found about ELECTRICITY".

Yakov Perelman, "Physics for Entertainment" (tradusa, pe vremuri, in romana sub titlul Fizica distractiva).

A. R. King, "Physics with answers: 500 problems and solutions", Cambridge University Press.

"Science of everyday things - volume 2: Real-life physics", Gale group.

Andre Koch Torres Assis, "The experimental and historical foundations of electricity", Apeiron, disponibila aici.